Zucchini Ribbon Salad with Creamy Lemon-Tahini Dressing

Since going Paleo, the majority of my salad dressing have been a standard vinaigrette. Most often the simple balsamic vinegar and olive oil mixture. I was actually surprised as I was mixing this dressing together how thick and creamy it got! I even had to thin it out a little bit by adding some coconut milk. The lemon juice was great at giving the dressing a nice "fresh" taste, as Dan described it. The addition of fresh mint leaves also added to the fresh taste. We only used about 3-4 leaves for the 2 of us, but next time I would change it to 3-4 leaves per salad. Fresh mint is just so good! I served this salad with some vegetables I happened to have on hand, but you can change it up however you prefer. The main reason for this post is really the dressing! I love playing around with salads and just mixing together any random vegetables, nuts, seeds, or even fruits occasionally! Zucchini Ribbon Salad with Creamy Lemon-Tahi...