Grilled Primal Bison Burgers on Cauliflower Buns

I am so glad that it will finally be summer soon so that I can get back to posting recipes more regularly! With the hustle and bustle of the school year and teaching I always get severely behind in my blog posts. Over the rest of this month I plan to make up for my recent absence my blogger by posting many new and delicious recipes for you to try. Many of my posts this month will be related to a nutrition challenge that I am currently taking part in with my Crossfit gym. We just started a 30 day Primal diet challenge based on Mark Sisson’s Primal Blueprint ( ). This diet is not much different than how I eat on a regular basis, but I am excited to use this month as a great time to focus on clean eating 100% and testing out new recipes again. I am going to start a string of new recipe posts with one that I made a while ago - Grilled Primal Bison Burgers on Cauliflower Buns. The cauliflower buns worked even than I e...