Creative Dessert...or Desert?

Every once in a while I get in really creative and artsy moods, some of which end up with some interesting outcomes. One example that has been extremely useful and fun for Dan and I is a Date Night Jar that I made as a gift for Dan last year. I took an empty Ball jar, decorated it, and filled it with large popsicle sticks on which I had written ideas for date nights. We have been trying to choose one stick every week or every other week and the result has made for some really fun dates! The stick that we chose this week read "Make a dessert together." Dan immediately made a joke about how we were going to make a "desert" together, so I decided to turn his joke into a creative challenge by coming up with an idea to make a dessert that doubled as a desert! These cupcakes were not only fun to make, but tasted absolutely amazing. This is by far the best Paleo cupcake recipe I have baked. If you are having a desert themed party I definitely recom...