Barbells for Boobs

First of all, I need to apologize for my lack of upkeep with my blog recently! I just started a new job as a 6th grade science and reading teacher and have been kept busy with the start of the school year! I promise I will add some new recipes soon, but in the meantime I hope you have been able to try out the recipes I already have on here! Secondly, I am participating in a fundraiser called Barbells for Boobs at my local crossfit gym, Crossfit 10-10. Last year, we set a world record with the $21,000 we were able to raise and we are hoping to exceed that amount this year. Because of the amount we raised last year, the Pink Bra Tour Bus (along with Crossfit Games athletes, prizes, food, etc.) will be present at our gym on October 20th to support our fundraising achievements. Barbells for Boobs is an excellent non-profit organization that is raising money to provide funding for breast cancer detection services to those who need it. It is a...