Whole30 day 5
Today's post is short, since day 5 ended up being full of leftovers for meals. It was also the first Monday back at work since before the holidays, I was a much bigger fan of the two day work week of last week.
Breakfast: Piece of quiche (shredded rutabaga, shredded sweet potato, kale, mushroom, and egg), half an avocado, and a cup of liquid gold, aka coffee
Lunch: Vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots), half a chicken breast, half a sweet potato with olive oil and hot sauce
Pre-workout snack: handful of mixed nuts and raisins

Summary of day 5: Felt good most of the day until I came home early from work and laid down for what I thought was going to be a 15 minute nap....it ended up being an hour long nap, oops. Apparently I'm still adjusting and my body needed the extra rest!
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