Whole30 day 17 - Cauliflower Sweet Potato Mash
The last few Saturdays we did all of our life and work tasks first, and then did our long bike ride at the end of the day. We started day 17 with the goal to reverse this order, since last Saturday I wasn't done biking until 9 pm. Breakfast and coffee were the first priority after getting up, followed by prepping our long ride nutrition. Fortunately we are starting to figure out what works best for us for energy during out long workouts, and can get it prepared a bit quicker than we used to. Another motivating factor to get the bike ride done first was that the second day of the SMU swim classic was today, so I would get to watch Michigan Swimming one more time!
Breakfast: A piece of Mashed Sweet Potato Quiche, half and avocado, a banana, and a cup of coffee.
Long ride nutrition: Coconut butter stuffed dates, Chia seed gel packets, and water with Elete electrolyes added. I ate about three dates per hour (I did not have medjool dates unfortunately, and the ones I had are much lower in calories, so I needed more of them), and a Chia seed gel a the two hour mark. With about 40 minutes to go in my 3 hour long ride my legs started to feel like they were on the verge of cramping. I think this may be due to the very low amounts of electrolytes in the Chia seed gels and the dates. Next time I'll either increase the concentration of my water bottles with Elete, or try adding salt into the coconut butter I use to stuff the dates.
Lunch: I finished biking around 1:30 and was more than ready for a good lunch. Andy grilled chicken breasts, and made a russet potato hash with peppers and onions (cooked in coconut oil) - it was salty and delicious, just what I needed after that ride! We also had half an avocado and a side of veggies to round out the meal.
Dinner: After our long ride, Andy had to go into the lab for about 6 hours of work. Before heading into the swim meet, I cooked and packed a cooler with a picnic dinner to bring into the lab. Cauliflower sweet potato mash, grilled chicken topped with hot sauce, and a side of steamed vegetables.
Cauliflower Sweet Potato Mash
3 cups cauliflower florets, or ~1/2 of a medium head of cauliflower
1 large sweet potato
2 - 3 T coconut milk (use more if you want a creamier mash)
1 T coconut oil
2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp paprika
1) Cook the sweet potato until soft and steam the cauliflower. I cooked the sweet potato in the microwave, and used a microwave vegetable steamer for the cauliflower. If you have the time, the mash tastes even better if you roast the cauliflower in the oven until it begins to brown (If you do this you will need to add more coconut milk or oil for moisture).
2) Add all ingredients to a food processor and blend until smooth.
3) Adjust seasonings to taste and enjoy!

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