Grilled Pineapple Guacamole

Since I had a few slices of grilled pineapple leftover from our salads the other night, and I also had a couple avocados that needed to be used, I thought hmm grilled pineapple mixed in with guacamole?  Turns out this is a popular recipe!  I found lots of recipes raving about the great flavor the grilled pineapple adds to the guacamole and this turned out to be completely true!  I served the dip with some sweet potato chips, making it a complete gluten free snack/appetizer.  I found the original recipe on the blog Paleomg, which is one that I definitely recommend you check out!  Juli has some great-looking Paleo recipes (many more of which I need to try out!).

Grilled Pineapple Guacamole
Adapted from Paleomg
2 avocados, pits removed
3 slices pineapple
1/2 jalapeno, finely diced
1/4 red onion, finely diced
2-3 Tablespoons cilantro, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tomato, seeds removed and finely diced
Juice from 1 lime

1) Preheat grill to medium high (I used a grill pan on the stove that worked just fine).

2) Add pineapple and grill 5-7 minutes per side, or until nice grill marks form.

3) Finely dice the finished grilled pineapple slices.

4) Add avocado meat to a bowl and mash with a fork.

5) Mix in the pineapple, jalapeno, red onion, cilantro, garlic, tomato, and lime juice with the avocado.

6) Mix thoroughly.

7) Serve with your choice of chips (I recommend sweet potato!)

-Brought to you from Erin's Kitchen
