Cinnamon-Applesauce Paleo Pancakes & Sauteed Banana Rounds

Dan and I hadn't made pancakes in a while, and when we woke up Saturday morning I was STARVING.  Eggs just weren't going to cut it for me so pancakes sounded like the perfect plan.  I had tried sauteed mashed banana cakes earlier in the week (which you have not seen on here because they were an epic failure, even though the cooked banana still tasted great).  That attempt made me want to try cooking bananas one more time.  They definitely made a great topping for these pancakes!

The pancakes also turned out very moist and fluffy, which is usually more difficult to accomplish with paleo pancakes.  I am going to owe this one to the applesauce: A great addition!  As you look at the ingredient list, don't fret about only using 3 Tablespoons of coconut flour.  It is plenty of flour, even if it looks like such a small amount.  The coconut flour is very absorptive, so 3 Tablespoons is enough to thicken up the mixture.

Cinnamon-Applesauce Paleo Pancakes
 Yield: 2 large servings (5 pancakes, 4"to 5" in diameter)
Adapted from Nurture My Gut
3 eggs
3/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 Tablespoon melted coconut oil, plus more for cooking
3/4 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
3 Tablespoons coconut flour
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract


1) Mix all wet ingredients in a large mixing bowl.

2) Whisk all dry ingredients in a small bowl.

3) Pour dry ingredients in with the wet, and stir well until fully mixed.

4) Heat coconut oil in a large saute pan over medium heat.

5) When the pan is hot, scoop some of pancake mix into the pan to create ~5 inch diameter pancakes.  Try not to make them too thick or they will take longer to cook and be more likely to burn.

6) Cook the first side for about 3 minutes, or until bubbles start to form.  Flip, and cook the second side for about 2 minutes.

7) Repeat with the remaining batter.

**Note: Make these pancakes small otherwise they get very difficult to flip, and may fall apart.  I will work on adjusting the recipe so this does not happen, but they are delicious either way!

Serve with sauteed banana rounds and pure maple syrup!

Sauteed Banana Rounds
Yield: 2 servings (Topping for 5 pancakes)

2 bananas, thinly sliced, divided
2 teaspoons coconut oil, divided
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract, divided
Cinnamon, to garnish


1) Heat about 1 teaspoon of coconut oil in a large saute pan over medium heat.

2) Mix 1 sliced banana with 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract in a medium-sized bowl.

3) When the pan is hot, add your sliced bananas and fry for about 2-3 minutes per side, or until golden brown.

4) Remove from heat and sprinkle with cinnamon,

5) Repeat steps 1-4 with your second banana.
