Coco-Citrus Cod Pods + Sweet & Spicy Grilled Corn

After having so much chicken this week, I thought a seafood dinner sounded excellent.  I hadn't tried cooking cod yet so this seemed like the perfect opportunity.  Pacific/Alaskan cod is also on the best choice list for fish based on the fishing impact on the ecosystem, and it only has a moderate level of mercury so it is safe to eat 4+ times per week.  The Environmental Defense Fund is a great resource when trying to decide what fish you want/should buy.

These "cod pods" as I have nicknamed them were packed full of flavor and the fish was perfectly tender and flaky.  We may have ruined a baking sheet in the process though by placing it directly on the grill (so don't try that!).  I'm adjusting my recipe slightly so you don't make the same mistake. ;)

The grilled corn was also amazing!  I had forgotten how good grilled corn is since it isn't actually paleo, I had removed corn from my diet.  I live by the "cheat" meals every once in a while are still good for you as long as you don't go all out with cheating.  One ear of grilled corn was completely justifiable for myself, as is sushi on occasion.  But don't fret if you are trying to stay strict paleo!  The "butter" sauce I rubbed on the corn could easily be used on a different vegetable.  Say, grilled zucchini maybe?  Or asparagus?

Coco-Citrus Cod Pods
Yield: 2 servings
1 shallot, halved and thinly sliced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 zucchini, halved and thinly sliced
3 Tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup lite coconut milk
Zest 1 lemon
2 cod filets (4-6 oz. each, depending on how hungry you are)
Black pepper


1) Turn grill on to medium heat.

2) Tear 2 large squares of aluminum foil, about 10 inches in length each.

3) Fold each aluminum foil square in half, then open back up to lay flat.

4) Arrange the shallot, zucchini, and garlic on the right side of the fold.  Try to stay near the fold line and leave enough room along the edges so you can close the foil packets to make your cod pod.

5) Fold up the sides of the right half in order to make a 'bowl.'  This will prevent the coconut milk and olive oil from escaping in the next step.

6) To each packet, add: 1.5 Tablespoons olive oil, 1/4 cup olive oil, zest 1/2 lemon.

7) Use a spoon to carefully mix everything in the packet thus far (I say carefully because we accidentally tore our first packet and had to get messy transferring it to a new piece of aluminum foil).

8) Season your fish with some black pepper, and salt if you like (I tend to cook without much salt, if any at all).

9) Place the fish on top of the vegetables in each packet.

10) Fold the left half of the foil over the right and close to create an airtight pod.  Be sure that all the edges are sealed tight.

11) Place the cod pods on the grill for 8-10, with the fish filet on top.

12) Use a spatula (or 2) to carefully flip the packets.  Then grill for another 8-10 minutes with the fish filet on the bottom of the packet.

13) Remove from the grill and allow to cool for several minutes before opening.  Be careful when you do open the packets!  They will have a lot of hot steam trapped inside.  I would suggest using a knife to poke a couple holes in the top of the packet before peeling the top half off.
*When checking for doneness, the fish should be opaque and flake easily.

14) To serve, leave everything in the packets in order to retain the most amount of flavor.

*You could also try this in the oven.  I would suggest trying 400°F and sticking with the same timing as the recipe above.  1) Place aluminum foil packets on a baking sheet.  2) Place in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes, with the fish on the top of the packet.  3) Flip the packets so the fish is now on the bottom.  4) Bake for 8-10 more minutes.  5) Remove from the oven.
**Since I have not tried this method yet, make sure the fish is fully cooked before consuming.

Sweet & Spicy Grilled Corn
Yield: 2 servings

2 ears of sweet corn, husks removed

For Spicy Citrus Coconut Oil
2 Tablespoons coconut oil
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/4 teaspoon cumin
1/2 clove garlic, minced
Juice 1/2 lemon
1/4 teaspoon black pepper


1) Fill a large pot with enough water to completely cover the corn.

2) Place the ears of corn in the pot, cover, and place on the stove over high heat in order to bring the water to a boil.

3) Once boiling, set a timer for 5 minutes.  After 5 minutes, remove the corn (with tongs!) and set on a plate.

4) This step can be done while your corn is boiling: In a small saucepan over medium heat, add all ingredients for the spicy citrus coconut oil.  Stir to mix and turn the stove off just as the mixture starts to bubble.

5) Brush the ears of corn with the oil mixture, then place on the gril for about 2 minutes per side, or until grill marks appear.

6) To serve, add additional spicy citrus coconut oil (if desired, we didn't think it needed any more) or garnish with fresh chopped cilantro.
