Whole30 day 20 - Taco Salad and new Quiche recipe

For the past couple of weeks we have both been starving by 11 am, so we were thinking of ways to alter our breakfast to hold us over for a bit longer. The quiche we were making along with half an avocado was not quite enough to make it through the morning. Andy had the idea to try and add ground turkey to our quiche recipe, and on day 20 I was satisfied enough to hold off having lunch until 1 pm - success!

Breakfast: piece of quiche, half an avocado, cup of coffee

Hearty Breakfast Quiche

2 cups shredded sweet potatoes
2 cups kale
2 cups broccoli, chopped
1 lb ground turkey
18 eggs, beaten 
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp salt
1.5 tsp pepper
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp Herb Province blend (any savory spices will do)


1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees

2) Thoroughly cook the turkey and spices in a skillet

3) Place the sweet potato shreds at the bottom of a 9 x 11" pan

4) Add the ground turkey on top of the sweet potatoes

5) Top with broccoli and kale (or vegetables of choice)

6) Pour eggs over the top and use a fork to push the vegetables down into the eggs

7) Bake for ~1 hour, or until eggs are cooked (with the size of the quiche, it may need some more time, but checking at an hour is a good starting point)

Lunch: The usual (veggies, orange, half a grilled chicken breast, half a sweet potato with coconut oil and hot sauce)

Post-swim, pre-bike snack: Piece of sweet potato energy bar and a handful of almonds

Dinner: Andy cooked dinner, which he decided to call Todd's Turkey Taco Bowl (his middle name is Todd). It was really good, and just what I needed after two hours of exercise. To get some carbohydrate, we also had a baked russet potato topped with salsa.

Taco Salad

1 lb ground turkey 
1 head of romaine lettuce, chopped
1/2 yellow onion, chopped
1 tsp coconut oil
1 T key lime juice
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper


1) Place onions and coconut oil in a skillet over medium heat and cook until they begin to soften

2) Add the turkey to the pan

3) Once the turkey is beginning to brown, add the seasonings and continue to heat until thoroughly cooked

4) Place the turkey on top of a bed of lettuce and top with salsa of choice

Summary day 20: My energy level trailed off a bit in the afternoon, but once I went to get my workouts in it picked back up again. I think it was just the letdown of being back at work after a three day weekend that made the back half of the workday a bit more difficult. 
