Whole30 day 9 - coconut curry chicken

Day 9 brought a full day of energy, one of my favorite meals, and two great workouts, score! Even though it was another grey and rainy day in Texas, once I was up and going I felt pretty good for the entire day. I'm still struggling a bit with waking up in the morning as soon as my alarm goes off, but it's getting easier by the day. Friday mornings are usually a bit less hectic and pressed for time than the rest of the week, so we were able to make breakfast from scratch, rather than the make-ahead quiche we use most days of the week.

Breakfast: a skillet meal with shredded sweet potato, shredded rutabaga, kale, broccoli, and mushrooms sauteed in olive oil until vegetables were soft and sweet potato/rutabaga started to brown. After the vegetables were cooked, we scrambled 6 eggs (for serving 2 people) and poured them on top, flipping and stirring the mixture until the eggs were cooked. For some extra flavor, you can add hot sauce or salsa on top. And as always, served with half an avocado and a large cup of coffee :)

Lunch: Same old veggies, orange, half a grilled chicken breast, and half a baked sweet potato with coconut oil and hot sauce.
Post-swim, pre-run snack: 3 medjool dates - they are delicious and calorie dense for their size, so they are an easy way to get calories before or during a workout. 

Dinner: I came up this coconut curry chicken recipe with during our first Whole30, and it is still one of my favorites. By the time I finished up at work and finished my workouts I was really hungry. It's times like this I'm happy that most of the meals I make are relatively easy and are not very time consuming. Food doesn't have to take forever to prepare to taste good!  

Coconut Curry Chicken

Ingredients (2 large servings)
1.5 cups shredded sweet potato 
3/4 cup chopped broccoli
1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
1.5 grilled chicken breasts, chopped (you can also cook the chicken fresh - chop raw chicken into small pieces, dredge the pieces in coconut flour, and cook in coconut oil)
1 T coconut oil
~1 tsp curry powder (adjust to taste)
1/4 - 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (I used about 1/2, but if you don't like really spicy food use less)
1 tsp sea salt (adjust to taste)
1 cup coconut milk (make sure there is no sodium metabisulfite added)
1/2 cup shredded coconut flakes (make sure there is no sodium metabisulfite added)


1) Heat coconut oil in a pan over medium heat. Once melted, add the sweet potato shreds, broccoli, and mushrooms. Cook until vegetables are soft.

2) Add the coconut milk and stir to evenly coat the vegetables.

3) Add seasonings and adjust to taste.

4) Add the chicken to the pan and fold into the mixture. Continue to heat until the chicken is warm.


Day 9 summary: Had plenty of energy, and great swim and run workouts. Ended the day with a great meal and found out I'll be an ambassador for Altra (the company that makes the shoes I run in) for 2014, so all in all it was a great Friday!
