Whole30 day 26 & 27 - Burger Stacks

After a gorgeous 70+ degree day on Sunday, days 26 and 27 have been a shock to the system. Highs in the 30's and lows in the teens (windchill in the single digits) - bipolar Texas weather strikes again! Note: we will be back to 70 by Friday, how is anyone supposed to get used to the temperature here?! This week we have been working on getting back to getting to bed super early and getting up early. We transitioned to this schedule after we did Whole30 last year, but fell off a bit when things got busy around our wedding time. With the improved sleep quality and energy level, we found that going to bed around 9 pm and getting up at 5 am was the most efficient for us from a time standpoint to balance our busy day-to-day schedules. We've been successful for the past two days, now just to stick with it and make it a habit. 

Day 26

Breakfast: Hearty Breakfast Quiche, half an avocado, cup of coffee

Post-swim: piece of Sweet Potato Energy Bar

Lunch: the usual (veggies, orange, half a grilled chicken breast, half a sweet potato with coconut oil and hot sauce)

Dinner: My favorite - Coconut Curry Chicken

Day 27

Pre-bike: Apple Pie LaraBar (date, almonds, walnuts, raisins, apples, and cinnamon) 

Breakfast: Hearty Breakfast Quiche, half an avocado, cup of coffee

Lunch: the usual (veggies, orange, half a grilled chicken breast, half a sweet potato with coconut oil and hot sauce)

Post-swim: handful of fruit/nut mix (unsulphured blend I can find at my grocery store)

Dinner: After I got back from my swim I was lucky enough to have Andy cook dinner again! He made a potato hash with peppers and onions, sauteed in coconut oil, and grass-fed beef burgers. He also sauteed up some mushrooms and onions in olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and cooked an egg over-easy to add to the top. Layering the mushroom/onion, egg, and sliced avocado created a burger stack that was delicious!

Summary day 26 & 27: We are working on getting our sleep/wake cycle back to where it is optimal for us and are almost there. I'm still adjusting a bit, so I've had some sleepiness creep in in the afternoons the past two days, but it has gone away when I've done my afternoon workouts. I've had plenty of energy to have great training sessions, but been tired enough to fall asleep as soon as I go to bed - the best of both worlds!
